27. desember ble så pakken sendt fra import-lageret til tollen. Der ble den liggende i hele 18 dager (!!!) til dokumentkontroll! før den endelig, den 14. januar ble "godkjent" og sendt videre. Jeg fikk pakken den 16. januar. Det tok altså på dagen en måned fra pakken ankom Norge, og til jeg fikk den.
Heldigvis ser det ut som alle overlever. Det er ikke postens fortjeneste, men gartneriet, som har pakket godt.
Her er plantene jeg har bestilt - som nå står i kjelleren under plantelys
Navn | Antall | Leverandør | |
Allium virgunculae 'Album'
| 5 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | From Japan -the island of Hirato, Nagasaki prefecture, endemic species. Gregariously in the rock and the ledge.(perennial) Full sun |
Anemonella thalictroides 'Kikuzaki'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Kikuzaki-' means the flower blooms like chrysanthemum. Ranges in North America Woodland plant (perennial) Semi shaded |
Campanula chamissonis f. albiflora
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | |
Dicentra peregrina
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | From Mt. Meakan, Hokkaido, Japan Alpine plant (perennial) Full sun This is the one of the most popular alpine plant as 'Queen of the alpine plants' in Japan. Difficult plant. Less watering in summer would be better. Grusjord. |
Dicentra peregrina 'Tantyou'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Pinkish white flower of Decentra peregrina with deep pink top. ’丹頂-Tantyou-' means 'Japanese crane' |
Dicentra peregrina×D.eximia
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | This is very similar to Dicentra peregrina. But this is bigger and taller than P. peregrina. Also this is very vigorous and easy to propagate |
Jeffersonia dubia 'Album'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | |
Primula Auricula 'Basuto'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Mørk rød |
Primula Auricula 'Chorister'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Orange, hvit «ring» nær sentrum av blomst |
Primula Auricula 'Matthew Yates'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Sort fylt |
Primula Auricula 'Old Irish Blue'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Blå-lilla med lysere kant kronblader |
Primula Auricula 'Remus'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Mørk blå, hvit sentrum |
Primula marginata 'Stradbrook Charmer'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Cerise |
Ranunculus calandrinioides
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | Native to the Atlas Mountains, North Africa. Full sol |
Ranunculus parnassifolius 'Nuria form'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | The endemic speceis of Nuria region, Pyrenees Mountans. Beautiful flowers with pink streaks in petals. |
Trillium grandiflorum 'Flora Plenum'
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | |
Trollius altaicus ssp. pulcher
| 2 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | The unique species from Mt. Rishiri, Rishiri Island. It doesn't completely open and the shape of flower is Semi-sphere, and the stamen when it blooms becom red. |
Viola yubariana
| 1 | http://www.yuzawa-engei.net/ | The unique species of Mt Yuubari, Hokkaido, Japan Alpine plant (perennial) Full sun, in mid-summer in shade, cool place |
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